
Theatre in DC

Publicado: 2012-02-15

The regional theater and alternative theater movement in the U.S. have helped both move to New York in the center of culture, or were simply part of a wave that was already moving in that direction. However, lava when the final tally is made, has been a very good thing for everyone, including New York, allowing the multiplicity of voices that were screaming about a lot but nobody was really listening. There are still basic problems with how plays are selected, produced and performed, but it seems that lately there is a possibility that this diversity can speak out of the public and private institutions, and will be a great loss for those who do not pay attention. In this wave of revisionism renewable and artistic hierarchies, Washington, DC reappears as a strong contender for the list of places to see. It has enjoyed a spectacular reputation as an alternative to the Big Apple, and the opening of the Kennedy Center in 1971, has had some resources to make things happen. The space has a number of theaters, so it is possible to find a home for some of the best work of the nation, whether in big musical productions for the whole family, or intense experimental work that speaks of a poetic moment determined. Some of the great artists recognized in the world have been here, and have also been instrumental in launching the careers. They do a very good job, and a Kennedy Center production offers some credibility very expendable for artists of today.

Two other rooms that are more oriented toward the front of the wall are the signature and woolly mammoth. Signature opened its doors in 1990 with the intention of producing a new work as well as lesser-known musicals, to extend the types of things you can see and do in the DC area. They have had a very successful career so far, and deserves a place in the very heart of American culture. Woolly Mammoth has a similar mission and history, with more emphasis on risk. This began in New York in the late 70's, when two artists came together with the idea of ​​offering a more risky for the people here. This, too, has been hugely successful go of it, or at least as successful as the theater can be in today's climate of uncertainty. They work to advance the way forward and help these things unsaid to light in the heart of the capital. For information about the variety of accommodations in Washington DC, visit bestwashingtonhotels.com.D&G Squares Necklet DJ0828

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