
The Big Easy - New Orleans Police Thriller

Publicado: 2012-03-10

This was the first major film I saw Dennis Quaid. It was great as the police lieutenant in New Orleans - ". Big Easy "Thanks to Hurricane Katrina, now has some historical value as recording a way of life away and that also helps explain what happened.It 's a romance and thriller that focuses on the issue of police corruption, but not in the simplistic way of Serpico. It portrays the good cops are treated meals by local companies as a way to reward and appreciate local protection.As Cajun Irish boy, Remy is one of the local community and, as he says, have a certain way of doing things. It is not new or confined to New Orleans. The police have always applied the law selectively. Sometimes we do not arrest a young man, but giving it another chance is just human, common sense to do so. Sometimes it comes to maintaining the current social order. Sometimes it is a reward of one who belongs to Ellen Barkin jail.Quaid know, in probably the sexiest performance, which is the corruption of the state district attorney of the Police Bureau of Investigation, and of course they fall in love despite their fun first date differences.Their. He takes her to a famous restaurant in New Orleans Tipitina, where the owner at first refuses to give a check Remy. So Quaid has to introduce Ellen Barkin "the district attorney's office." Of course it is not fooled, and soon Remy's charges, who runs away because the police did back him up. She is outraged, but he has led a Cajun dance to be his date, no. She's angry, but still captivated by the sense of community, which has no in their world. Over time marry.There no easy answers. Our sense of law and order and equal treatment before the law mandates the police to enforce the law equally to all, but are human beings, not robots. They enforce the law selectively, or most of the world would be if judges jail.Yet community, as they totally corrupt in conflict with the community, which can lead to many problems. During Katrina, New Orleans police reportedly joined looters or simply fled the city. A Katrina refugee told me it was corrupt. He had no use for police, and obviously could not help maintain law and order in the 9th district because they were not accepted.I not know the final answer. In many countries the police is almost as dangerous as the criminals. In many ways, because it is using the ID card is more dangerous. However, if they were not there, the criminals running the whole program in their own interests, without even a superficial attempt to protect the innocent. I once met a man from Hong Kong who told me that her parents always said, "If you want to be a good man, do not join the police." But I remember how, on the novel by Timothy Mo Bittersweet, the Chinese triad members in England refer to all government employees, including a postman - as the "official" criminals.Armani Jeans shoes

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