
When You Answer the Phone, Does the Caller Ask to Speak to Your Mother Or Father

Publicado: 2012-04-19

There is nothing more humiliating then having to answer the phone and the caller asks to speak to your mom or dad and they are 20 or 40 or 60 years! Although this problem is more common among women than men, is demoralizing to have others think you are a child of the person phone.In, obviously you do not look like a child, but the image you are projecting, if you sound like an 8 year old is definitely not an image that lends credibility to you or give us confidence in your listeners. If it sounds like a child, you will be treated as such.I once worked with a woman who sounded like a "baby" of 6 years old, and even resorted to among his colleagues. In charge of the mortgages in the bank, does not inspire confidence when speaking. Once worked with me and found his "true" voice sounded not only mature but still walking differently. His posture and his attitude changed for the better - and I taught posture is amazing how your life can change when you find your "true" Say. Will be deeper in tone (pitch is high or low sound - not the volume, which is the strength or softness of sound) and resonant, vibrating in his chest like the voices of Diane Sawyer, Ashley Judd , Demi Moore, Cher and Kate Beckinsale.In addition, you will be able to increase your volume without shouting, which is known as projection. You can also discover the best way to control your nervousness in any form of public speaking. And as you get older, you find that your voice is improving as he has taken the strain on your vocal cords to allow the chest to power and amplify the sound. So never sound too young or too old. A resonant voice is ageless.You probably sleep better and longer, your endurance will be greater, and stress is greatly reduced. All these wonderful benefits are possible once you discover that your "real" voice. It's really an amazing process. It will sound better, you probably look better, and no doubt will feel better about yourself.If you care about the image you project and how others perceive you, find your "true" voice and not be mistaken for an 8 year old again!Build-A-Bear Gift Card

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